
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018


What is Contract Vault? Contract vault is a platform designed to provide convenience, whereby anyone can use, develop, customize and even resell legally legitimate contracts. These are very simple contracts such as withdrawing and lowering. Markets for selling with a safe and secure environment witnessed by many people. Contract Vault is also designed as a home for automated smart contracts, where each contract will also lead to money transfer and the document is instantly updated.Contact Vault will be a new world of trust in the field of contractual agreements. The problem with the current contract is difficult contact. Smart but not really smart contract . At the present time the lawyer services industry is expanding rapidly with smart contracts, but how can lawyers, consumers, developers and corporations benefit from this technology? There are 4 issues or challenges in the current smart contract that Contract Vaultwants to finish  : The use of Contract Contracts i...

EHOTEX - Patented IoT Solutions For The Horse Industry

EHO is one of the results of the development of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and good ideas based on a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investment. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, the company wants to realize and help investors to be more worried about the world's most suffering economic weaknesses in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this block chain. Some important points of the EHO platform This will be a moment when most of the registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will do business. Answering terms and conditions on the EHO platform is a source of revenue that will ensure a balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability of greater than the...

ICO mobilebridge Overview

Our network company helps productive interaction with the clientele, commercial representatives. Thanks to this approach, the participants of this system will be able to increase the flow of visitors, the level of profit, as well as to freely promote products on the Internet. The mobile platform is the uses next companies: Volkswagen, Burger king, Pirelli, the Dutch disc retailer, large hypermarket chains. Advantages of Mobile Bridge The platform of Mobile Bridge provides its members with a number of excellent advantages that other companies do not have: Marketers have the authority to create new mobile tools, optimize travel routes of users, open new segments of participants. Free mode of integration with different systems, for example CRM, POS. Functioning of marketing and e-business in the automated mode. Simple process integration information on the principle of smart targeting. Mobile Bridge works in several directions: Mobile moment, professional experience, financial i...

FTEC.IO-Untuk pedagang, Oleh pedagang

Tentang FTEC FTEC adalah ekosistem layanan cerdas dan jaringan syaraf untuk melakukan aktivitas perdagangan yang efektif di pasar mata uang. Misi global AUDEC adalah untuk mengurangi jumlah pedagang yang tidak profesional. Gagasan di balik proyek ini sangat jelas dan sederhana: untuk menciptakan ekosistem holistik yang akan berisi semua alat yang diperlukan untuk pengguna dengan tingkat pengalaman dan pengetahuan di bidang cryptocurrency. FTEC sudah menjalankan proyek berdasarkan algoritma untuk perdagangan otomatis di cryptomarkets, mereka memberi kami pengalaman yang hebat dan berharga dan oleh karena itu kami bergerak untuk memenuhi tujuan yang lebih ambisius. Ekosistem menawarkan kompleks 15 solusi orisinil untuk: Meningkatkan efisiensi penjualan Anda (dengan menggunakan sistem perdagangan cerdas) Menghemat waktu Anda (dengan menggunakan neuronetworks untuk penyaringan aliran informasi) Mempelajari spesifikasi perdagangan crypto (dengan bantuan database cryptoacademy dan ...

ICO Kaching Koin

Halo, saya ingin memberi tahu Anda tentang ico ini. Mari kita mulai. Seperti yang Anda lihat, cryptocurrency adalah mata uang digital yang dibuat dan dikelola melalui penggunaan teknik enkripsi canggih yang dikenal sebagai kriptografi. Kami sedang membangun Ekosistem Perdagangan dan Investasi Paling Lestari dan Paling Lengkap untuk Koin yang akan Digunakan (Kachingcoins). Tujuan kami adalah untuk menciptakan uang paling banyak tersedia di Blockchain. Banyak investor ICO lalai melihat ICO sebagai IPO. ICO “Initial Coin Offering” dan IPO, “Initial Public Offering”, mirip dalam banyak hal. Ketika sebuah perusahaan go public dengan IPO, sebelum Anda berinvestasi, Anda akan meneliti perusahaan. Anda akan melihat para pemangku kepentingan (Founders), aset perusahaan, pangsa pasarnya, potensi pertumbuhan dan masih banyak lagi. Sepertinya kebanyakan orang lupa bahwa ketika melihat ICO, mereka dibutakan oleh seluruh tren "Cepat Kaya", dan dengan demikian mereka tidak sadar be...

WORLDEX - Innovative And Multilevel Referral System

WDX is the next generation digital distribution platform for agricultural currency exchange. WDX offers innovative and multilevel referral systems. PLATFORM THE NEXT DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION With innovative motivational and referral systems, offering Customers and Merchants Opportunities to increase their earnings. CRYPTO REWARD ECOSYSTEM CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGE WDX is the next generation digital distribution platform for agricultural currency exchange. WDX offers an innovative and multilevel referral system. How Worldex Exchange Buy / Sell & Crypto Rewards Work There are various payment options accepted on the platform, which will allow many people to be able to use the service. Users can also buy, sell or exchange various coins on platforms such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), WorldEx coins (WDX), ZoZo coins (ZZC), Lite coins (LTC). Transactions and internal interactions on the platform will be through WorldEx token (WDX). Users or investors may obtain tokens during ...